Monday, July 12, 2010

Till death do us part and then some

She was the love of my life and even in death I still loved her. That is why I reburied her. I had to do it. I had to put her back in her grave I had to give her some sort of peace, even if she did try to to kill me and probably would have eaten me to if she could. I could not just leave her there to rot away in the heat of the empty house.
Before I went to bed that night the reports had just started to come in from all over the country. Stories about violent attacks perpetrated by groups of unknown people. Bodies going missing from morgues. One story about a suspected gang of grave robbers digging up all the fresh graves in a small town. They were saying it was all isolated incidents and not to worry. So I turned off the TV and drunkenly stumbled my way to bed.
At first I thought I was having some wired dream about having sex with a fish. Cold wet lips on my member slowly sucking me in. A small cold hand cupping my balls just like my wife used to love to do while she sucked me off. It wasn't till the hand started to squeeze tighter and I felt nails dig in that I woke up with a gasp.
I woke up to find my recently dead wife lips warped around my engorged member and she looked like she was about to bite it off. She glanced up at me and appeared to smile. I screamed and kicked her in the forehead. she let go of my balls and my member slid out of her mouth with a wet popping sound. I scrambled out of the bed as she hissed at me. As she jumped off the bed and ran at me I freaked and threw the closest thing I could reach, at her. Which was the big bottle of her favorite perfume that she always kept on the bedside table. It hit her in the head and smashed on the floor. It stopped her for a moment and she stood there looking at me.
My beautiful wife was gone and some horrible monster had taken her place. The dress was the same one I buried her in. The wonderful yellow summer dress she loved to wear when we went out on Sunday drives. I remember the day I bought it for her. She had looked so happy as she twirled in front of the changing room mirror. Now it was all ripped and torn,covered in what looked like mud and blood. What was left of the front of the dress was torn open exposing her perfect breasts. I could see the horrific Y shaped incision stapled shut, starting just above those lovely perky breasts, from where they opened her up for the autopsy. Her skin was the color of a old bruise, a sickly yellow with tinges of dark purple. Her lovely blond hair was all matted with dirt and there was a large bloodless gash on the side of her forehead where the perfume bottle had hit her.
I could almost see tears in her dead black eyes, as she stared dumbfound at me. Almost pleading for me to help her. Then the scent of that perfume I used to love to smell on her while we kissed became a overpowering stench and the spell was broken. She screamed and rushed at me again. I made it to the bathroom and locked the door behind me, just as she crashed into it. She let out a inhuman scream and slammed into the door again. The door held but I could see that a few more slams like that and it would give way.
The only other way out of the bathroom was the window. It was way to small to wiggle out of and drop safely the 15 feet to the ground, before she broke down the door and dragged me back in. So i looked around feverishly for something to protect my self with. Anything would do. Anything at a all, but there was nothing, not a god dame thing. Nothing I could use to protect my self from the inhuman monster that once had been my wife.
She slammed against the door again and gave another one of those inhuman screams. She sounded so angry, like what I expected to hear from The wild banshee from the old ghost stories I heard as a child around the campfire, right before it dragged me away into the night. I could see sawdust on the floor from the screws in the door hinges were they were starting to pull out from the wall. I knew that those hinges were about to let go and that if she slammed into the door again like that, the door would give way and I would be killed and probably eaten by the woman I once loved. Who was now nothing more then a rotting corpse determined to make me what she had become.
Then in a flash it hit me. Next time she rushed the door I would open it and let her momentum carry her into the bathtub. I could then slam the glass shower door closed giving me just enough time to run away. I got down on on my hands and knees and peered through the crack under the door. I could just see the bottom of a foot only a few steps from the door, she moved back wards getting ready to make another run at the door. It was now or never. I jumped back up and grabbed the door handle. She gave another inhuman scream and ran at the door. Soon as I felt her slam in to the other side of the door I swung it open.
She looked surprised as she skidded past me and fell into the bathtub. I slammed the shower door shut and ran out of the bathroom. I ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. Stopping to catch my breath for a second, I felt a cool breeze on my skin and realized I was still naked. All my clothes were upstairs with her and that shower door wasn't going to hold her long enough for me to get dressed. Just then i heard what sounded like the shower door being smashed and another one of those inhuman screams and I knew then she had gotten free and that I had to do something quick
So what was I going to do next. I could run out of the house to the neighbors next door and ask for help. Or run down the street naked, screaming bloody murder like the mad man I knew I had become. Someone would probably call the cops and then I would be rescued. They would probably shoot my wife like some rabid dog. Killing her again if bullets could even work on the undead. Or I could just drive. Drive and drive till I figured out what to do next.
Then I saw the large meat clever on the magnetic strip on the wall. And knew I had to be the one to put her down. Remembering all the zombie horror movie I watched when I was a kid, one good whack to the head with that meat cleaver and she would go back to being nothing more then a corpse. It had to be me. I couldn't let her go on being the inhuman monster she had become and I couldn't let some stranger mow her down in a hail of bullets like some mangy dog. I had to be the one to put her out of misery I knew she had to be in. I had to do it for the sake of my own sanity and the for the love we had shared. Taking a deep breath, I garbed the meat clever off the wall and still naked as a new born, I crept back up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs I heard another one of those inhuman screams and then something large crashed to the floor. I thought it probably had been the dresser. When she didn't come running out the door I peeked into the bedroom. I found her staring into the mirror transfixed with her own reflection. Staring at her self like some kitten noticing its reflection for the first time.
When I step into the door way she noticed me turned and ran at me. Just before she was able to grab me with her out stretched arms, I sunk the meat cleaver deep into the center of her forehead. The sound the meat clever made when it sliced into her skull reminded me of hitting a over ripe melon. She dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor. Before I could think about what I was doing, I stepped on her chest and pulled the meat clever out of her head. The sound of it coming out made me gag and I turned my own head and puked into the hallway.
With the smell of the half digested dinner of a burger and fries I had last night in my noes, I sank to my knees in front of her body and wept. Wept for the love that I had lost and for the ungodly thing I had just done to the woman I had loved so much and with out realizing what I was doing I began to chop up her body. I was pretty sure she was going to stay dead this time, but I was already out of my mind with grief and anger that I just kept chopping till there was nothing more then a pile of limbs and ragged meat and her head staring up at me with her cold dead eyes. I could see her brain matter through the large gash in her head from where I had struck her with the meat cleaver. Cradling her head in my arms I wept some more, rocking back and forth. When I came back to reality, I realized what I was holding and I throw her head to the floor with revulsion and stood up. Looking at my self in the full length mirror,I didn't recognize my self at all. I still looked the same man but at the same time I didn't. There wasn't that happy go lucky guy I once new anymore. What was left was a hollow empty shell of man with congealed blood and gore sticking to him. In a state of numbness I cleaned the glass out of the tub and showered. After dressing quickly, I bagged all of my wife's body parts up in trash bags form the kitchen and carried her down to the front door.
Looking out the front door I noticed for the first time how wrong the world had gotten, since I went to bed the night before. There was blood all over the ground a car was stopped in the middle of the road its engine running and all its doors hung open. I could hear screams close by but could not tell where they were coming from. At the end of the street there was a car smashed into a pole in front the house on the corner. The house it self was going up in flames and as I watched there appeared a man on fire dragging another man by the hair kicking and screaming out of the front door. Going back inside I went to the basement got my shovel and headed back upstairs to go bury my wife for the second time.
Driving through the city was like driving through a war zone. There was death and destruction every where. People who looked to be alive running this way and that. Zombies chasing a few of the living and a few of them just stumbling around. Some dressed, some not and a swear I saw a mother eating her own baby with the umbilical cord still attached trailing between her legs.
I got to the grave yard around noon. It was a peaceful place, or had been at one time any way. Driving up as close as I could to the spot where I had buried my wife only a week before. I got out of the car and walked the rest of the way to her grave site. As I walked up with the shovel in hand to the lovely shaded spot me and her brother had picked out. I noticed that there was a depression in the soil in front of her tomb stone, where she must have pulled her self out. I stood there staring down at it, wondered how long she spent clawing through that dirt. It must have taken hours for her to blindly claw her way through it. It sent shivers down my spine. I brushed the thought away and began to re dig my wife's grave. The dirt was still pretty lose from when she was buried the fist time so it didn't take me long to dig down to her casket. The lid had been almost completely smashed to splinters. When I opened it there was what looked like fingernail marks on the inside of the lid from where she must have been scratching at it. I tried to block the image of her scratching away blindly in the dark and went back to my car to get my wife.
after reburying my wife I started t walk back to the car. A man came stumbling out from behind a tree dressed in nothing but a hospital gown. He had been chewing on what appeared to be a foot he still had clutched in his hand. He saw me, dropped the foot and came running at me. Before I could think about it I raised my shovel and slammed the flat edge into his scull just above his eyes nearly taking the top of his head clean off. He drop to the ground with the shovel sticking strait up. I pulled my shovel out and calmly walked back to my car I sat in my car smoking my first cigaret in years. I had kept a pack in the glove box just for a reminder of my old ways and as sort of a safety blanket. Tossing the cigaret butt out the window I drove off and never looked back

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